N+I IPv6 showcase booth

Jun-ichiro itojun Hagino itojun@itojun.org
Tue, 06 Jun 2000 11:08:30 +0900

#	Sorry if you have got this message twice, I have sent this once
#	but seen no delivery back to myself...

	At NetWorld+Interop tokyo (June 7-9), We have a booth named "IPv6
	showcase".  We will demonstrate:
	- an IPv6 network in a booth, by using routers/end nodes from
	  more-than-10 vendors
	- IPv6 web client/server (including Win2K IE)
	- IPv6 ftp client/server
	- and of course, as always, IPv6 quake!
	We will also have bunch of presentations at the booth, highlighting
	recent deployment and product status.

	We should also note that, in N+I tokyo, 
	- we have IPv6-only zone in terminal cluster
	- NOC provides IPv6-to-IPv4 translator (based on tcp relay)
		(so you have no problem even if you have no IPv4 reachability)
	- all drop cables to booth are IPv4/v6 dual stack ready
	Kudos to NOC guys!

	If you cannot visit N+I tokyo, the following IPv6 servers are waiting
	for your accesses, feel free to fight with the visitors by
	"quake over IPv6"!

	quake: quakeserver.ipv6showcase.jp.interop.net
	web: http://www-kame.ipv6showcase.jp.interop.net/
	web: http://www-kondara.ipv6showcase.jp.interop.net/
	web: http://www-ms.ipv6showcase.jp.interop.net/
