IPv6 address/port format

Wojtek Bojdo/l wojboj@lp.net.pl
Tue, 18 Jan 2000 07:13:14 +0100 (CET)

On Mon, 17 Jan 2000, Jim Bound wrote:

> 	>What about the IPv4 compatibility notation?
> 	>:: for my address.  Now port would be ::
> We could just get rid of IPv4 compatible addresses :---)....

we don't need to...
When we write IPv4 compatible address it can look:
but it can't look:

If our resolver function 'll count how many dot's it got after last :
and if there's no next :, and it's 5th dot, it can get it as port.

I think it can be good idea, but we should check if it would be hard to

= Wojciech Bojdo/l  wojboj@lp.net.pl  www.lp.net.pl/~wojboj =
[    No things are impossible - they're only incredible     ]