Resend:Two questions

Gregg C Levine
Mon, 10 Jan 2000 22:59:41 -0500

Hello from Gregg C Levine usually at Jedi Knight Computers
I am resending this message following because since sending it out, I have 
received nothing in response to it. I believe it happened because of the 
time it was sent, on 12/31/99, what with the usual things, following the 
coming of the millennium, and a strange work week following it. I have 
basically received little or no mail on the questions that I asked. Please 
everyone, do not dismiss them, at least remind me that I am off the topic.
Hello from Gregg C Levine usually at Jedi Knight Computers
I have two questions for the crowd on this mailing list:
The first one is: Is anyone who is US based aware of access for the 6Bone 
project through a dial-up account from a non-participating ISP? This 
service provider AT&T Worldnet, so far has not moved in the direction that 
this list is moving into. (Nor or they even aware of the 6Bone, as of today 

The second question is:Is anyone working with the RSVP protocol, either on 
Linux/UNIX/Solaris, or on Windows? Also included on the non-Microsoft side 
is the operating systems for SGI workstations.

Please realize that these are serious questions, as my group and I, are 
looking for new, and noteworthy questions to answer, and solutions to 
Gregg C Levine
"They were in the wrong place, at the wrong time, naturally they became 
Princess Leia Organna of Alderann, Senator
"Remember, the Force will be with you."
Obi-Wan(Ben) Kenobi, Jedi Knight and, General, (Retired)
"May the Force be with you." Anonymous