RFC1918 equiv

Francis Dupont Francis.Dupont@enst-bretagne.fr
Wed, 13 Dec 2000 18:38:08 +0100

 In your previous mail you wrote:

   I believe that the KAME code (or any other working IPv6 code) is likely to
   work just fine using site local in an isolated (IPv6) net.
=> I agree, all the problems come when the node is multi-sited (ie.
attached to multiple sites). If you have only one site and use 0
as site scope ID (non reason to use something else) no problem should
harm you...



PS: IMHO this is the only reasonnable way to use site-local stuff,
even if I have done more than KAME in multi-sited support, I am far
to provide a really usage thing, for instance there is no multi-site
support in routing tools...