ipv6 in .ie - new list

Mike Knell mike.knell@cs.tcd.ie
Mon, 17 Apr 2000 15:51:03 +0100

As my researches on local v6 activity have more or less drawn a blank
(thanks to the folks who were able to provide info), I've created a list 
for people interested in v6 in Ireland. It's not intended to provide
configuration assistance or basic stuff that's already covered in
documentation, but more for general discussions of local implementation, 
who's doing what, etc.

mail majordomo@cs.tcd.ie
subscribe iev6 (yes, that's iev6 - bad pun which will probably cause lots
                of bounces in the future, but hey)


Computer Science System Administrator, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland
       mike.knell@cs.tcd.ie -=- http://www.cs.tcd.ie/Mike.Knell/