ipv6 address- quick question

Mathias Teikari mathias.teikari@telscom.ch
Thu, 13 Apr 2000 09:31:26 +0200

fd97202@bits-pilani.ac.in wrote:

> Global -> Valid anywhere within the Internet domain..Assigned.
> Try RFC-1884 (IPv6 addressing specs.) for more detail.

FYI: Note that RFC 1884 has been obsoleted by RFC 2373 !!

    / Mathias

 | Mathias Teikari             mathias.teikari@telscom.ch    |
 | Ba. Sc. EE.                 Office Ph: +41 (0)31 376 2030 |
 | SW Development Engineer     Mobile Ph: +41 (0)76 541 9449 |
 | Telscom AG                  Sandrainstr. 17, CH-3007 Bern |
 |                                                           |
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