Linux with sit0 and several tunnels?

Tomas Lund
Thu, 23 Sep 1999 13:46:15 +0200 (MET DST)

Is anyone out there using linux 2.2/glibc 2.1 to set up multiple tunnels
using numbered tunnel interfaces? My setup today looks like this:

ifconfig sit0 inet6 add 3ffe:200:1:1c::2
route -A inet6 add 3ffe::0/16 gw :: dev sit0
route -A inet6 add 3ffe:240:2::/48 gw :: dev sit0

The first route is the one to my upstream pTLA (SICS) and the other is a
tunnel to another linuxbox (unnumbered tunnel endpoints), but now i need
to set up another tunnel to a solarisbox that wants IPv6-addresses for the
tunnel endpoints, does anyone know how to do this, I'd hate to spend
severaly days experimenting if this information is available somewhere :) 

Best Regards, Tomas Lund