Local LAN IP

Mark Atwood mra@pobox.com
15 Oct 1999 11:14:03 -0700

Chris B Luck <chris.luck@juno.com> writes:
> I would like to setup a local lan with IPv6 but I'm not sure on what
> would be a valid non routable IPv6 IP network address.  Like 192.168.x.x
> is for IPv4.  Can someone please help me?

If your IPv6 stacks are correct, it should "just work" if you do
nothing.  The interfaces will be assigned their stateless
autoconfigured link local addresses, and then your hosts can talk to
each other, but none of the traffic will leave the local LAN.

Mark Atwood               | 
mra@pobox.com             | 
http://www.pobox.com/~mra |