v6 browser

Dancer dancer@zeor.simegen.com
Fri, 02 Jul 1999 08:00:22 +1000

itojun@iijlab.net wrote:
> >I have a small proxy that can access ipv4/ipv6 HTTP servers. It's
> >getting a rewrite before release. (it's a hack of something else I did,
> >so it's pretty ugly)
>         If you are okay with proxy, we have patch for squid and apache
>         (which has proxy mode) at ftp://ftp.kame.net/pub/kame/misc/.
> itojun

I noticed. The squid version's one of the old 1.1 versions, which aren't
really supported anymore. Currently we're up to 2.2stable3. I'm in the
development team and I've got a development snapshot of 2.3 that I'm
working on converting so that v6 (protocol independent) support will be
the default for the application.