(ngtrans) Re: 6BONE AUP

Alain Durand Alain.Durand@imag.fr
Thu, 18 Feb 1999 17:45:29 +0100

At 10:07 18/02/99 -0600, Matt Crawford wrote:

>One part of renumbering which hasn't been tackled, though, is
>updating filter lists (aka access lists) on routers.  There are
>probably some 6bone BGP filters in place here and there which would
>take small but non-zero effort to update with each renumbering.
>Ideas, anyone?

They are other places where IP addresses are burried deep.
For example, we use some expensive software controled
by a license server. The server needs a key to operate,
and this key is derived by the software vendor
from... the license server IP address!!!
So each time the server change it's IP address, we have
to go to this specific software vendor to get a new key.

I suggest we try to make a list of some "well known" places
where IP addresses are buried.

On routers:
- Access list (firewall)
- BGP filters

On servers:
- DNS (many places)
- keys for license servers
- ntp configuration file
- /etc/networks ???

On client hosts:
- DNS server address (if not using DHCP)

There is probably more to this.

	- Alain.