IPv6 Multihoming

Francis Dupont Francis.Dupont@inria.fr
Thu, 11 Feb 1999 17:29:39 +0100

 In your previous mail you wrote:

   Is there any concentrated effort going on at present to tackle the
   multi-homing problem wiht IPv6, with respect to it's collision with routing
   policies (i.e. you dual-assign, or you announce de-aggregates; the former
   breaks TCP, the latter breaks routing tables)? 
=> there are many works about multi-homing, both for multi-homed nodes
(interface selection, shared link detection, route optimization, ...)
and multi-homed sites (aggregation, routing policies, source address
selection, ...) but in (expired or unpublished) Internet drafts.
The current idea is to dual assign because aggregation is more than
important but this doesn't solve everything (as you believe :-).

