zombie routes to 3ffe:1ce1::/32 ?

Daniel Hagerty Daniel Hagerty <hag@linnaean.org>
Wed, 1 Dec 1999 20:51:27 -0500

[ Yes, both posts you made got through. ]

 > It appeared from source-routed traceroutes that the no-export-tagged
 > route propagated further than I expected it to, so I stopped bgp and
 > restarted it without this; however, I have reason to believe that the
 > route is still floating around in the 6bone bgp cloud..
 > My understanding is that dropping the bgp connection should have
 > caused the bgp peer to withdraw any routes it learned from
 > me.. unfortuneately, that doesn't seem to have happened.

    An AS that forwarded that no-export tagged route across an AS
boundary is broken.  Since it didn't drop the annoucement on peering
reset, you probably have borked BGP implentation(s) upstream from you
(as opposed to a broken route-map stripping the no-export community

 > I have reason to believe that there are currently some "zombie routes"
 > to 3ffe:1ce1::/32 floating about as a result of this.
 > Anyone have any advice as to what I can do from here to get the route
 > withdrawn for real?  (I'm using zebra bgp 0.80 on NetBSD+KAME).

    The short answer is "no" (though you might try tearing down
peering for 2 * holdtime or other silliness).  You have to get the
broken peer to withdraw the bogus annoucement.  I'm only seeing AS
10566 propagating the announcement, according to

    What's the deal with you announcing 3ffe:1ce1::/32 ?  I didn't dig
deeply, bug 3ffe:1c::/24 is a merit pTLA, and MIT is delegated
3ffe:1ce1::/48 .  Right now, unless you can provide a 100% up routing
guarantee between merit & MIT, you can black hole traffic for prefixes
outside your netblock.