routing policy questions
Wed, 9 Sep 1998 19:50:47 +0400 (MSK DST)


> In your example, a pTLA is "shared" by more than one AS? 


>							In common
> cases, I think prefixes are allocated "hierarchally"; a pTLA is
> assigned to one AS (site) and the site delegates NLAs to the others.
> I think that your example could be translated into that a site other
> than root of pTLA wants to do multi-homing.

- Today "root" has pretty poor connectivity.
- Tomorrow it will have superb connectivity.
- After week, it (probably) will have no connectivity, except for
  their peers due to collapse of russian economics 8)8)

Als, 6bone works on existing IPv4 infrastructure, and tla policy
is determined by it rather than any aestetical reasons.

Your statement means only one thing: any AS, which wants to make its
own policy,  have right to get its own pTLA. It will result only
in TLA proliferation, rather than to nice hierarchical picture.
