I-D ACTION:draft-blanchet-ipaddressalloc-00.txt

Marc Blanchet Marc.Blanchet@viagenie.qc.ca
Tue, 07 Jul 1998 12:27:39 -0400

	a first cut of a draft on an allocation scheme.

Comments appreciated.

Regards, Marc.


A New Internet-Draft is available from the on-line Internet-Drafts

	Title           : A flexible allocation scheme for IP addresses
			  (IPv4 and IPv6)
	Author(s)	: M. Blanchet
	Filename	: draft-blanchet-ipaddressalloc-00.txt
	Pages		: 5
	Date		: 06-Jul-98
This draft presents an IP address allocation scheme that enables the IP 
allocator (the organisation that allocates addresses) to postpone the final
decision of prefix length by keeping space between allocated bits of the
different parts of the IP address.  This enables the allocator to change
the different part lengths of the prefix (TLA, subTLA, SLA, ...) even after
allocated spaces. This scheme is applicable to both IPv4 and IPv6 but is
envisionned mainly for IPv6 where the address space is larger and more

Internet-Drafts are available by anonymous FTP.  Login with the username
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	"get draft-blanchet-ipaddressalloc-00.txt".
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	Europe: ftp.nordu.net
	Pacific Rim: munnari.oz.au
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Send a message to:	mailserv@ietf.org.  In the body type:
	"FILE /internet-drafts/draft-blanchet-ipaddressalloc-00.txt".
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Content-Type: text/plain
Content-ID:	<19980706163222.I-D@ietf.org>

FILE /internet-drafts/draft-blanchet-ipaddressalloc-00.txt


Marc Blanchet			| Marc.Blanchet@viagenie.qc.ca
Viagénie inc.			| http://www.viagenie.qc.ca
3107 des hôtels		| tél.: 418-656-9254 
Ste-Foy, Québec		| fax.: 418-656-0183
Canada, G1W 4W5		| radio: VA2-JAZ
pgp :57 86 A6 83 D3 A8 58 32 F7 0A BB BD 5F B2 4B A7
Auteur du livre TCP/IP Simplifié, Éditions Logiques, 1997