ipv6 term room and fetching rfcs using native v6

Marc Blanchet Marc.Blanchet@viagenie.qc.ca
Mon, 07 Dec 1998 09:23:22 -0500

	the ipv6 network is up since 20h00 yesterday in the terminal room, in both
the laptop 
and the desktop networks. You will have a 3ffe:0b00:c18:[23]/64 prefix. 

	For the fun of it, we've put a mirror of our normos site
(rfc-draft-std-ripe-... mirror and database)
on ipv6 accessible by http://normos.ipv6.viagenie.qc.ca 
(only the AAAA record is available for this hostname, so you need a ipv6
capable browser) so

   you can fetch RFCs and drafts in native ipv6... ;-)))

Regards, Marc.

Marc Blanchet			| Marc.Blanchet@viagenie.qc.ca
Viagénie inc.			| http://www.viagenie.qc.ca
3107 des hôtels		| tél.: 418-656-9254 
Ste-Foy, Québec		| fax.: 418-656-0183
Canada, G1W 4W5		| radio: VA2-JAZ
Internet Engineering Standards/Normes d'ingénierie Internet