ngtrans agenda - 4Aug98 version

Bob Fink
Tue, 04 Aug 1998 14:51:27 -0700

6bone/ngtrans folk (and AATN as well)

The following is my current take on the ngtrans agenda (including the 6bone and aatn stuff) for Chicago.  

I've agreed to host a few topics for the AATN folk to help out Jim Bound as they do relate to transition (last two topics on the agenda).

I will forward the final agenda early next week to the secretariat, so please come forward now with offers of new topics, or to speak or help with anything shown below.




TUESDAY, August 25, 1998

1300-1400 Afternoon Sessions I 
	OPS ngtrans Next Generation Transition WG
1415-1515 Afternoon Sessions II
	OPS ngtrans Next Generation Transition WG

ngtrans intro and agenda bashing -Bob Fink -5 mins

Changes in ngtrans charter - Bob Fink - 10 mins

"IPv6 Transitions Mechanisms" draft for advancement to replace RFC 1933 - 10 mins

Status of IPv6 address registry issues with RIPE/ARIN/APNIC - Bob Hinden - 5 mins

6bone status report - Bob Fink - 5 mins

6bone backbone routing - ???? - 5-10 mins

When/if do we change from a 'test' AUP to a production 'AUP' - Bob Fink - 10 mins

"6bone Routing Practices" draft for advancement to Info RFC - Bertrand Buclin -10 mins

draft-tsuchiya-ipv4-ipv6-translator-00.txt - Kazuaki Tsuchiya - 5 mins

new ASpath-tree tool features - Ivano Guardini - 10 mins

Negotiated Address Reuse - Gabriel Montenegro - 20 mins

Distributed Network Address Translation - Michael Borella - 20 mins

-end ngtrans agenda

PS: the IPng meetings are:

TUESDAY, August 25, 1998

1545-1645 Afternoon Sessions III 
	INT ipngwg IPNG WG
1700-1800 Afternoon Sessions IV 
	INT ipngwg IPNG WG

THURSDAY, August 27, 1998

0900-1130 Morning Sessions
	INT ipngwg IPNG WG
