query re IPv6 URL format

Francis Dupont Francis.Dupont@inria.fr
Thu, 16 Oct 1997 14:04:19 +0200

 In your previous mail you wrote:

   Belive me I tried this on the URL folks, even wrote the BNF for
   them, and they insist that the real-world parsers can't handle it
   and will barf on the first colon they see. They are wedged on the
   way their parsers work and we are wedged on the notation we picked.
   Somebody's code is going to have to change.
   As for
   that really doesn't meet the criterion of being cut and pastable from
   the canonical notation.
=> I believe we are converging... I seems the solution is to get
the IPv6 address, apply a transform which must replace colons by dots
and append a trailer name which is not ambiguous.
 The "ip6.int" proposal enters in this category, the problem is cut & paste
doesn't work but no suitable transform meets this criterion (because
of colons).
 Then we need:
  - a transform from any to (literal) IPv6 address to a dot notation
  with the same information (ie we have to keep the hexa digits).
  - a not ambiguous trailing domain name
 Unessential criteria for the transform should be:
  - as little as possible result (keep URLs readable)
  - one to one transform (note: for this we need a good canonical format
    for IPv6 addresses, for instance full hexa without heading zeros)
  - easy to program



PS: use the "ip6.int" because we can get the real name with a search
for a PTR RR is not a good idea (if one wants to use a literal is
likely because the name is not available).