query re IPv6 URL format

Bob Hinden hinden@Ipsilon.COM
Tue, 14 Oct 1997 11:47:01 -0700


>If that was the decision then we need to codify it and tell
>the world. I could live with it, if the URL parsers can handle
>it. I'll check that with the URL guys.

Maybe I am missing something, but...

The IPv4 syntax is:


It would seem to me that while


has multiple ":"'s in it, given left to right parsing, I don't see anything
ambiguous.  The first thing after the "//" is either a DNS name, IPv4
address, or an IPv6 address.  If the current parsers can distinguish
between "hursley.ibm.com" and "111.222.333.444", both of which use dots as
separators, then could they also deal with IPv6 addresses with colons?

Why can't the parsers learn how to do this?  They need to be changed to
handle IPv6 addresses anyway.
