query re IPv6 URL format

Steve Deering deering@cisco.com
Tue, 14 Oct 1997 10:11:06 -0700

At 9:40 AM -0700 10/14/97, Francis Dupont wrote:
>  In your previous mail you wrote:
>    I thought the decision was to express the IPv6 address in hexadecimal
>    without the ":"s, i.e., just 32 contiguous hex digits, which is even
>    less user-friendly than the standad represenatation, but at least
>    usable by humans in a pinch and certainly usable by automatons.
> => I see two problems with this new proposal:

Certainly.  As far as I know, no one has come up with a problem-free

>  - it doesn't work with standard cut and paste

Sure it does -- you just have to edit the string a little after you paste.

>  - it is still ambiguous because it has the same syntax than
>    a name (ie a label of a DNS host name).

So maybe the proposal included putting the hex string in quotes or something.
I was just reporting what I thought was a decision by some community that
had hashed this issue out.  Treat it as a rumor until someone else
substantiates it.
