registry request

Bob Fink
Mon, 5 May 1997 17:20:43 -0700

At 1:46 PM -0700 5/5/97, Osamu Nakamura wrote:
>I'm working for InteropNet with Mr. Hagiwara san.
>I forward following message from Mr. Hagiwara san.
>Could you take care of it !
>> I'd like to register a prefix for the 6bone. I have visitied 6bone home page
>and read "HOW-TO" then I knew I need to obtain group id and password for me to
>put my object on the server. Could someone please let me know.
>> btw, this *is* not for the one belongs to Bay which is already registered,
>instead this is for the InterOp, because InterOp has introduced V6
>for the exhibitors. I'll be in charge of V6 in the InterOp.
>> # I know we are sending bogus /80 onto the 6bone...sorry...will fix soon ;-)

See below.



In short, if you want to write files there, do:
Name: anonymous
Password: yourname@your.domain
cd ipv6/ip6rr
site group ip6rr
site gpass 6bone
(now you can write files there)