new addressing plan

Matt Crawford
Tue, 10 Jun 1997 16:59:21 -0500

> And simply swaping 010 with 001 and moving the reserved fields around will
> give us the new address format from rfc 1897.
> my proposal:
>    | 3 |  5 bits  |  16 bits |   24 bits  | 16 bits| 64 bits   |
>    +---+----------+----------+------------+--------+-----------+
>    |   |          |Autonomous|    IPv4    | Subnet |           |
>    |001|  11111   |  System  |   Network  |        |           |
>    |   |          |  Number  |   Address  | Address|    EID    |
>    +---+----------+----------+------------+--------+-----------+

This isn't consistent with draft-ietf-ipngwg-unicast-aggr-00.txt.
Did you mean it to be?  The above format would put people randomly
into the same TLA if the first 8 bits of their provider's ASN