(IPng 3717) Re: proposal for RFC-1897 update

Matt Crawford crawdad@fnal.gov
Mon, 02 Jun 1997 09:36:04 -0500

Alain says:
> I've just read Bob proposal (draft-ietf-ipngwg-test-addr-alloc-01.txt).
> Sounds like a very good start to me for the new addressing plan of the
> 6-bone.  If our registry can allocate NLAs (possibly to core 6bone sites), I
> think we can move very quickly to this new addressing plan.

I'd like to get an NLA for a Chicago-area research exchange called MREN,
which is actually on the same switch as the Chicago NAP.  I'm just back
from vacation, but I think a TLA has been chosen for 6bone use already.
Has someone taken on the delegation task?  (Or is it being delegated?)
