New Tunnel CYPHER -> BAY-MA

Chris Wedgwood
Thu, 20 Feb 1997 03:25:50 -0500

Subject says it all, here is the RIPE ip6rr object:

site:		CYPHER 
location:	Manhattan - New York, New York. 
loc-string:	Behind the flower pots. 
prefix:		5f02:bd00:d0d0:d800/64 
ping:		5f02:bd00:d0d0:d800::a0:24de:9844 ( 
tunnel: BAY-MA static 
contact:	Chris Wedgwood <> 
status: 	operational 
remark: 	Seems to be slow and lossy... YMMV. 
remark: 	Looking for (fastish) reliable tunnels. 
remark: 	I twiddle a fair bit - it may be down at times. 
changed: 970219 
source: 	RIPE

If someone would kindly let me know the username/password I will upload

Many thanks to Wenken Ling from BAY for setting this up.
