Memphis IETF 6bone meeting planning

Bob Fink LBNL
Thu, 6 Feb 1997 07:32:01 -0800

Please ignore my last message.  I thought this had been sent out, but I
hadn't.  I was waiting for some private area director comment on our BOF
versus WG status.  Subsequently Scott Bradner communicated back to me that
given restructuring events at the IESG, they have still not processed us.
Real soon now...

Anyway, my questions for the group are below, so here goes:

Given that the IETF has taken input from many of us on allowing shorter
meetings when possible (as a way of extending the available time for
meetings) we should consider a one hour time slot for the 6bone meeting in

The way I'm seeing the 6bone meetings, they attract so many visitors that
we can't keep it intimate and small enough to have much meaningful
unstructured dialog.  Hence an hour may be worthwhile providing we are well
structured on whay we want to cover/discuss well before we get there.

So...any comments on this?

My take on an agenda is:

1. Finish up discussion on topology, addressing and routing for a new 6bone
infrastructure better suited to IPv6 testbed goals.

2. Finish up on what direction to take with the RIPE-NCC 6bone routing

3. Decide how to proceed with an Internet-Draft outlining requirements for the
new 6bone infrastructure.

4. Interact with RPS WG on extensions for "Representing Tunnels
in RPSL" based on David Meyer's Internet-Draft.


Goals and Milestones:

Jan 97 / Establish and submit initial charter, goals, and first year Goals
and Milestones (this list).

Jan-Mar 97 / Discussion on topology, addressing and routing for a new 6bone
infrastructure better suited to IPv6 testbed goals.

Jan-Mar 97 / Discussion on the future of the RIPE-NCC 6bone routing
registry and how it relates to the RPSL work.

Jan-Dec 97 / Continuing interaction with, and feedback to, the IPng working
groups at the IETF based on 6bone experience.

Mar-Apr 97 / Begin work on an Internet-Draft outlining requirements for the
new 6bone infrastructure.

Apr 97 / Begin to restructure the 6bone testbed based on discussions.

Jan-Feb 97 / Interact with RPS WG on extensions for "Representing Tunnels
in RPSL" based on David Meyer's Internet-Draft.

Apr 97 / Decide what direction to take with the RIPE-NCC 6bone routing

Aug 97 / Finish work on Internet-Draft outlining requirements for the new
6bone infrastructure.

Sep 97 / Interact with MBONED on their work for co-existence strategies for
IPv4 multicast and IPv6 multicast. (This based on the MBONED milestones.)

Dec 97 / Begin work on a document describing operational practices and
experiences for the 6bone.

Draft 6bone Charter as presented at the BOF

The 6bone Working Group is a forum for information concerning the
deployment, engineering, and operation of ipv6 protocols and procedures
in the global Internet. This activity will include, but not be limited to:

- Deployment of ipv6 transport and routing in the global Internet via a
"6bone" testbed to assist in the following.

- Creation of "practice and experience" informational RFC documents that
capture the experiences of those who have deployed, and are deploying,
various ipv6 technologies.

- Feedback to various IETF ipv6-related activities, based on testbed
experience, where appropriate.

- Development of mechanisms and procedures to aid in the transition to
native ipv6, where appropriate.

- Development of mechanisms and procedures for sharing operational
information to aid in operation of global ipv6 routing.

We will be taking scheduling requests as of today.  The CUT-OFF
for requesting slots is MONDAY, March 24, 1997.


- Wednesday has been broken down to one hour sessions.  If you know
that you need only an hour or less for your working groups, please
indicate that to me and your session will be scheduled on Wednesday.
If we do not have sufficient requests for one hour sessions, two one
hour sessions will be combined for a normal two hour session.

- Working groups will be allowed a MAXIMUM of two slots.  If you
feel you may need more, please let me know.  You will get additional
slots only if slots are available after agenda scheduling has closed
(currently March 24).

- BOF's WILL NOT be scheduled unless the AD approved request is
accompanied by a full description (including name and acronym) and
an agenda.

The current agenda has sessions scheduled each night, we will have
either Monday or Tuesday evening free but do not know which one at
this time.  With respect to working group and BOF requests, please
note the following:

1.  All scheduling requests MUST be sent to the appropriate Area
    Directors with a copy to: <>.  ALL
    requests are subject to AD approval.  Please be sure to
    specify the following:

    a.  Working Group (or BOF) Name. (Include proposed BOF
        title - 35 or fewer characters please, and acronym
        - 8 characters max.);

    b.  Area under which Working Group (or BOF) appears;

    c.  Conflicts you wish to avoid (please be as specific as
        possible.)  You will be notified of any conflicts which
        arise. Conflicts should then be resolved by the Chairs
        and the final outcome sent to:

    d.  Expected Attendance (attendance figures from December 1996
        will be sent at a later time);

    e.  Any special requests. (i.e., do you want your session
        MULTICAST - mbone slots cannot always be guaranteed;
        special seating arrangements).
