6bone backbone links diagram change (version 2)

Bob Fink LBNL RLFink@lbl.gov
Wed, 5 Feb 1997 08:05:32 -0800

6bone backbone links diagram version 2:

1.  added various RIPng notations for those links reported to me

2.  added IDRPv6 notation on UNI-C/DK to G6/FR link

3.  noted one-way RIPng on BAY/US to WIDE/JP link

4.  made static (or yet uncharacterized) links be dashed to emphasize we
would like them to be "solid" links :-)

Have made no further judgement on whether a site should be a backbone site.
I think this will sort itself out over time.

General sentiment seems to be to keep this backbone links diagram going.

