Washington DC NGTRANS/6Bone Additional Session...

Ben Crosby bc@ecs.soton.ac.uk
Wed, 10 Dec 1997 20:03:02 +0000 (GMT)

Hi all,

	Due to the limited time we have had for 6bone issues,
there will be an extra session on the 11th of December in the 
Palladian Room, at 11.30 am, just like the one we held today. 

	Anyone is welcome to attend, and this will be a technical
discussion continuing on from where we left off today, issues
including Dimitri's ::/96 proposal, and the multi-homing stuff
that I presented with Alain Durand today.

	Bob has asked me to stress that nothing here will be 
decided definately without being opened up to the list for
discussion first, and that if anyone not in Washington has issues
that they wish us to bring up, please mail them into the list.

	Two specific issues brought up were the suggestion about 
continued routing of 5fxx addresses, and the status of those sites
that have not maintained their registry entries since the automatic

	I'm sure that Bob will post full minutes sometime soon.
