call for 6bone TLA participants for Oct. 1 renumbering of backbone

Bob Fink
Thu, 14 Aug 1997 22:32:23 +0200

Per the 6bone backbone ad hoc meeting in Munich, I am calling for those
interested in being an early 6bone test pTLA (i.e., pseudo TLAs assigned
from the NLA1 field of the 6bone Test address allocation) when the
renumbering to the new Aggregation-based unicast address format is started
on 1 October.

Requirements are willingness and ability to actively participate in this
timeframe, and demonstrated experience with IPv6 and the 6bone.

Please send your requests to become a 6bone pTLA to the 6bone mail list
with text sufficient to describe your interest and qualifications.

I will assign test pTLAs to all reasonable request at this time.

