6bone action items per Memphis IETF meeting

Bob Fink RLFink@lbl.gov
Mon, 14 Apr 1997 17:06:11 -0700


At 2:05 PM -0700 4/14/97, Matt Crawford wrote:
>> A8. Performa a survey of host and router implementations in use on the
>> 6bone, so the information may be made available through the 6bone web pages.
>Actually, I don't think we got to A8 due to a time shortage.  I think
>people mostly agreed that would be best done by email anyway.

Yeah, we got to saying just that much as I closed the meeting for cookies
(see the minutes below), so I'm just saying it's an action item to attend



12. Survey of implementations / Bob Fink

The survey of IPv6 implementations in use on the 6bone was postponed due to
lack of time.  Bob Fink volunteered to do this survey via the mail list.
