proposed changes

Bob Fink
Sat, 12 Apr 1997 12:23:30 -0800


At 6:34 AM -0800 4/11/97, Bill Manning wrote:
>	Would people object to a more structured approch to registering
>	inverse delegations, e.g. an online form?

I think an online web-based form would be great!

>	Would there be significant grief if the proposed online form
>	asked for authentication keys?  The default is a null key if
>	none is supplied.
>	(I'd like to start using DNS Security)

Can you start with the web form, them give us an outline of what adding
"DNS security" means in practice before we agree to going to it?  I think
it's a good idea in general, but most of us are probably not really clear
on all the implications.

