Tshirt info on 6bone web page

bound@zk3.dec.com bound@zk3.dec.com
Tue, 29 Oct 96 23:00:56 -0500

I agree on two counts with your mail.

1) Nothing should detract from the main point of the 6bone.

2) Its bob's probject...etc..

I am not clear now that #1 above would be affected if it would then the
vendors should not be on the T-Shirt.  In fact right now Bob is the only
one who has this design in his head completely and if he feels that in
anyway that this will detract from its purpose and states that then  I
will also vote no implementations on the T-Shirt?

Bob if this is the case I and others need to know that?      

But Bob should not have asked for any input or all input is what I was
stating.   Bob stated he got input offline not on the 6bone.

 1) I don't think thats right or fair.

 2) Yes it was hostile as a lot of things happen offline that should 
    not and two other things went down on this 6bone effort that were
    offline that affected others and I dealt with it offline with Bob
    and it got fixed.  I felt that this situation called for some
    intensity as Bob can't control who sends him data offline.  So my
    intensity is for those who did not want to state this to the entire
    community in public, but thats their option.  But its mine to have
    the question polled to this community. 

To me this is not hostile but intense.  Hostile is if I am in a meeting
and pick up a chair and bash someone in the head with it.  Or push my
fist in their nose.  Etc. Etc...  If I perceive an injustice I will
always be intense and note I said ...."I hope I am wrong" meaning I was
not sure.  If that intensity bothers others when I did not attack them
or anyone (which I did not) or slight them, then thats just too bad it 
must be hard to go outside every day on the street if this intensity
bothers you.  
