The 6bone name issue

Bob Fink LBNL
Tue, 26 Mar 1996 09:17:57 -0800

I will make one attempt to influence this naming issue, and then go with
the flow as I don't want to turn this into a silly naming argument.  That
is not my point.

My point is, that by choosing an all encompassing high profile name such as
GI6, we are not only getting away from our purpose, but run the risk of
alienating many who might otherwise help us.

I believe that the name 6bone accurately reflects our mbone-like mission of
deploying infrastructure for IPv6 prior to it being deployed fully in the
global Internet infrastructure.

In theory, it seems to me, our job is to enable all the appropriate
tunnels, and set related policies and practices for an IPv6 backbone
infrastructure.  Then our role will drop away as IPv6 is implemented in
production routers and normal operating policies and practices for the
"global" Internet take over.

So, my vote is to stay with 6bone - it's quite descriptive and has
reasonable name recognition due to the mbone.  Everyone would then easily
recognize us as a necessary, but yet interim, piece of the the evolution of
the Internet...not a threat.

Now I'll shut up.
