6bone and the IETF

Bob Fink LBNL RLFink@lbl.gov
Tue, 17 Dec 1996 18:56:00 -0800

The IETF San Jose meetings went quite well, in spite of early concerns
about overcrowding.  The really important v6 highlights for me were:

1.  Dimitry Haskin (Bay) and Dave Katz (Cisco) agreeing to work together to
make a BGP4+ that supports both v4 and v6.  I think this will turn out to
be a watershed item for ISP willingness to support v6.

2.  Sincere interest in Mike O'Dell's 8+8 v6 addressing proposal.  There
are many unanswered questions, but almost everyone feels that understanding
if 8+8 can be made to work is a very high priority.

As for the 6bone BOF, things went well.  There were ~115 folk attending and
strong consensus to start up a 6bone working group. I have agreed to chair
the working group.  More on this new working group formation below.

We also discussed topology, addressing, and routing for a 6bone better
suited for continuing IPv6 testbed activities.  Also discussed was a new
format for the RIPE registry based on RPSL work and what to do with the
6bone map.  On these discussion items there were no decisions attempted,
just agreement to carry on more discussions on the mailer.  More on this in
other email(s).

As for Working Group formation, I have included a first draft 6bone charter
below as I presented to the BOF.  I would like some discussion and
hopefully consensus on this, and on a set of goals/milestones for the first
year under this charter.  I have proposed some for discussion below.

You will note that I have caste the 6bone BOF discussions on topology,
addressing and routing in the context of creating a new 6bone testbed
infrastructure better suited to learning about IPv6 implementations and
IPv6 transition.  Though not explicitly stated this way in the large, I
believe this to be the general intent of the discussions, and at this point
in the life of the 6bone, an important next step.

Comments to the mailer please!



Goals and Milestones:

Jan 97
	Establish and submit initial charter, goals, and first year group

Jan/Feb 97
	Interact with RPS WG on extensions for "Representing Tunnels in
RPSL" based on David Meyer's Internet-Draft.

Jan 97
	Continue discussion on topology, addressing and routing (from the
BOF) for a new 6bone infrastructure better suited to IPv6 testbed goals.

	Continue discussion on the future of the RIPE-NCC 6bone routing
registry and how it relates to the RPSL work.

Feb 97
	Begin to restructure the 6bone testbed based on discussions.

Mar 97
	Begin work on an Internet-Draft outlining requirements for the new
6bone infrastructure.

Apr 97
	Decide what direction to take with the RIPE-NCC 6bone routing registry.

Apr 97
	Continuing interaction with, and feedback to, the IPng working
groups at the IETF.

Aug 97
	Finish work on Internet-Draft outlining requirements for the new
6bone infrastructure.

Aug 97
	Continuing interaction with, and feedback to, the IPng working
groups at the IETF.

Sep 97
	Interact with MBONED on their work for co-existence strategies for
IPv4 multicast and IPv6 multicast. (This based on the MBONED milestones.)

Dec 97
	Begin work on a document describing operational practices and
experiences for the 6bone.

Dec 97
	Continuing interaction with, and feedback to, the IPng working
groups at the IETF.

Draft 6bone Charter as presented at the BOF

The 6bone Working Group is a forum for information concerning the
deployment, engineering, and operation of ipv6 protocols and procedures in
the global Internet. This activity will include, but not be limited to:

- Deployment of ipv6 transport and routing in the global Internet via a
"6bone" testbed to assist in the following.

- Creation of "practice and experience" informational RFC documents that
capture the experiences of those who have deployed, and are deploying,
various ipv6 technologies.

- Feedback to various IETF ipv6-related activities, based on testbed
experience, where appropriate.

- Development of mechanisms and procedures to aid in the transition to
native ipv6, where appropriate.

- Development of mechanisms and procedures for sharing operational
information to aid in operation of global ipv6 routing.

- end